November 15, 2006 ADVERTISEMENT PXI Express NI M Series Data AcquisitionNational Instruments offers the industry’s first PXI Express data acquisition modules – the NI PXIe-6251 and NI PXIe-6259 M Series modules with 16-bit resolution and 1.25 MS/s sampling rates on up to 32 channels. The modules use new PXI Express technologies, such as a x1 250 MB/s per-slot dedicated bandwidth bus interface, tighter synchronization, lower latency, and software backward compatibility with existing PXI applications. Click here for more information Today's Table Of Contents:Featured Story: Many Companies Still Playing It Loose With RoHS Compliance Industry Viewpoint : FPGA Clusters Combine With Mesh Architectures Now on Live from electronica 2006 Focus On Analog/Mixed Signal: Rotary Encoders Offer 1.4-Deg. Resolution, Low-Power ModeQuick Poll: A recent poll found that 30% of designers do not believe RoHS will have any real impact on their company over the next 12 months. What effect will it have on you? News From The Editors:
featured storyMany Companies Still Playing It Loose With RoHS ComplianceChicago-based distributor Newark InOne found that 30% of the design engineers and component buyers it sampled not too long ago do not believe the EU's RoHS directive will have any real impact on their company over the next 12 months...
Can't be in Munich this week for electronica 2006? Don't worry—Electronic Design has you covered. Join Editor-in-Chief Mark David and ED Europe Editor-In-Chief Paul Whytock for daily updates, news reports, commentary, and even video from the show floor at:
By Bob Walsh, TEK Microsystems Inc.
Embedded signal processors traditionally have been built with clusters of general-purpose floating-point processors. FPGAs usually have been used on the edges of the cluster to perform signal conditioning, while the hard processing work was reserved for the PowerPCs. Current technology makes it possible to do significant, useful signal processing work in clusters of tightly connected FPGAs instead, and this approach has significant advantages over general-purpose processors...
focus on analog/mixed signal
Rotary Encoders Offer 1.4-Deg. Resolution, Low-Power Mode
The rotary encoder family from austriamicrosystems has two new members, the AS5030 and the AS5130, which are 8-bit absolute magnetic encoder ICs that feature pushbutton and low-power-mode capabilities...
Solve Airflow And Space Problems At High Speeds
Learn how to achieve high-speed serial transmission at 6.25 Gb/s in smaller packaging without impeding airflow. Amphenol’s Aptera is a mechanically robust edge-card connector specifically designed for space-constrained areas. The combination of small format and high-performance makes Aptera the ideal solution for servers, storage, and networking equipment. Click here for details.
Let your voice be heard. Vote now on The Quick Poll is located at the bottom of the page, so don't forget to scroll down!
news from the editors Service Offers Full RapidIO Interoperability Testing
OEMs designing RapidIO-based systems can now find complete interoperability testing services at Riolab Corp. The company has begun offering Device Interoperability Level 3 (DIL-3) testing, the final level of testing for RapidIO interoperability...
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