64-Lane PCI Express Switch Leads The Way For System Interconnects
IDT's 89PES64H16 64-lane, 16-port PCI Express switch is designed to be the heart of an interdomain PCI Express fabric with multiple hosts and devices. This cooperative multihost environment uses reverse bridging technology to let hosts coexist and share access to devices. There are 48-lane/12-port and 32lane/eight-port versions as well.
Hosts with built-in mapping support can operate with the interdomain switches directly. IDT also has interdomain switches, starting with the PES24NT3 24-lane/three-port switch, for systems that lack this type of built-in address translation.
Multiple-host support enables server-blade clustering using PCI Express. Device driver support is available for Ethernet and Fibre Channel sharing. This lets multiple hosts share standard PCI Express devices. The approach is ideal for embedded applications where system configuration is under designer control.