Get ready for efficiency standards that apply to outdoor lighting.
That could be the result of legislation now being discussed in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The group recently held a hearing on the National Energy Efficiency Enhancement Act of 2010 (S 3059) which contains provisions for energy efficiency standards that apply to outdoor lighting.
Section 6 of S 3059 would set standards for pole-mounted outdoor lights and would direct the Dept. of Energy to decide whether the standards should be modified in the future. The standard also puts limits on skyglow and light trespass. Moreover, it would prohibit the making of general purpose mercury vapor lamps.
Other energy efficiency measures in the Bill include standards for Class A external power supplies for certain security and safety alarm systems, and a provision that would include consideration of Smart Grid measures in setting energy efficiency requirements for products.
The Bill also has provisions pertaining to the efficiency of central air conditioners, furnaces, through-the-wall HVAC systems, and pool heaters.
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association says it backs the outdoor lighting standards and says they were the result of "eight months of negotiation among manufacturers, environmental groups, lighting designers, and other stakeholders."
You can read the Bill here: