North America Capacitor Sales for 2015 Down 9.4% in Dollars Compared to 2014

April 12, 2016
Total reported sales for all capacitor categories in North America for calendar year 2015 were down 10.5% in units and down 9.4% in dollars compared calendar year 2014.

ECIA (Electronic Components Industry Association) reported sales for all capacitor categories in North America for calendar year 2015 were down 10.5% in units and down 9.4% in dollars compared calendar year 2014. Forty-Four percent (44%) of capacitor sales in 2015 were shipped into the distribution channel.

Total reported bookings for all capacitor categories in North America were down 12.2% in units and 10.5% in dollars for calendar year 2015 compared to calendar year 2014. Book to Bill was .97 in units and 1.03 in dollars. See the graph below for the month by month comparisons.

The inventory corrections made in both the direct and distribution channels in 2015 were a huge contributor to the decline in capacitor sales in 2015 with tantalum capacitors being the most affected. For the most part, those corrections have been made or at least nearing an end. If end-market demand improves, inventory replenishment is expected to take place. We are starting to see evidence that the market is improving as the capacitor book to bill in Q4 CY15 was a strong 1.06. 

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