SMT Inductors Eye High-Current, High-Density Power Circuits
The new PG0083 series of low-profile, surface-mount power inductors are designed for high-density, high-power circuits typically run at high temperatures. Sporting a profile of just 4.2 mm max., the inductors boast of excellent thermal efficiency, current ratings up to 19A of direct current, and a saturation current up to 28.6A. In addition, the inductors provide low direct current resistance--DCR ranges from 1.7 to 36.6 milohms. Applications include voltage regulator modules (VRMs) for P4 or faster processors, switched-mode power supplies, and dc/dc converters. Operating temperatures extend up to 130°C. The 11 members of the PG0083 series span inductance values of from 0.18 to 3.76 µH. Prices start at $0.29 each/50K. PULSE, San Diego, CA. (858) 674-8100.
Company: PULSE
Product URL: Click here for more information