Digital TV Library Adds Test Benches For Faster Verification
An enhanced digital TV design library promises to help speed the development of products used in a wide range of consumer and commercial DTV applications. Its test benches enable design verification earlier in the design cycle.
Developed by Agilent Technologies, the DTV library works with the company's Advanced Design System and its RF Design Environment EDA software. These packages provide developers with models and verification test benches for analyzing the RF effects in communications devices designed to European (DVB-T) and Japanese (ISDB-T) DTV standards. Many of the models that support these standards also can be used when designing to other popular and emerging communications standards.
The DTV library lets engineers test and verify their designs during each stage of development, speeding the design process. The models also give engineers the intellectual property needed for a quick start on RF/baseband design. And, the test benches make it possible to link the company's design system simulated data with Agilent instruments to verify virtual designs and existing hardware earlier in the design cycle. The library can be added as an option to Advanced Design System 2003A.
Agilent Technologies Inc.