Analog 8-bit microcontrollers are common, but their number approaches zero as the sample rate and resolution grow. Silicon Laboratories' C8051F064 sits at the top of the heap with an 8051-based MCU that has not one but two 16-bit, successive-approximation, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). An intelligent DMA allows the ADCs to deliver 1-Msample/s throughput with minimal CPU overhead.
The DMA can move ADC information to any peripheral or memory location, including I/O ports, enabling the chip to act as an intelligent ADC. It's even possible to power-down the CPU while this is occurring. The low-noise ADCs use only 20 mW each while maintaining a 0.75-LSB integral nonlinearity (INL). The configuration provides better performance with lower power consumption than an external ADC. The pair of ADCs can be set up for single-ended or differential mode. The 2% on-chip oscillator permits accurate operation without the need for an external crystal or oscillator. Operating voltage is 2.7 to 3.6 V.
The C8051F064's pricing starts at $9.98. It's available in a 12- by 12-mm, 64-pin TQFP package. An eval kit is available for $24.95, and the development kit costs $299.
Silicon Laboratories
C8051F064 FEATURES | |
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Additional digital with 100-pin chip
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