Akustica Creates First Single Chip Microphone

March 21, 2006
Based on MEMS technology, the RoHS-compliant AKU2000 emerges as the first single-chip microphone. The SMT device replaces electret condenser microphones, and is a digital-output silicon microphone that integrates an acoustic transducer, output

Based on MEMS technology, the RoHS-compliant AKU2000 emerges as the first single-chip microphone. The SMT device replaces electret condenser microphones, and is a digital-output silicon microphone that integrates an acoustic transducer, output amplifier, and a fourth-order, sigma-delta modulator. Supporting a 1- MHz to 4-MHz clock, the chip operates from a 2.8V to 3.6V supply and consumes 75 µA in power-down mode. Sampling now, price is $3.87 each/1,000. AKUSTICA INC., Pittsburgh, PA. (412) 390-1730.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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