Embarking as a low-power a/d and d/a converter, the AK4646 features a microphone amplifier, auto level control circuit, and a noise filter, making it suitable for audio recording in digital video cameras, still cameras, and other recording equipment. Part of the Audio2go family, the single-chip stereo CODEC's high-pass filter virtually eliminates wind noise, while a 5-band equalizer can perform as a notch filter to minimize mechanical noise. A stereo enhancement filter improves the recording performance of miniature stereo recording devices where the left and right channel microphones are in close proximity. Other features include preamps supporting both differential and single-ended inputs, a power supply circuit for condenser microphones, digital volume control for recording/playback, and a 400-mW speaker amp. Sampling rates range from 7.35 to 48 kHz and operating voltage ranges from 2.2V to 3.6V. Available in a 32-pin QFN package measuring 5 mm x 5 mm with a 0.5-mm pitch, price starts at $1.91 each/10,000. AKM SEMICONDUCTOR, San Jose, CA. (888) 256-7364.
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