Glass-Welded Hermetic Seals Secure CMOS Sensors from Thermal Shifts
To help ensure long-term stability and overcome thermal challenges in satellite-bound CMOS sensors, Primoceler and ON Semiconductor collaborated to encase the devices in an impermeable seam of glass using laser welding technology. The companies designed and manufactured the CMOS sensor packages for orbital missions conducted by the European Space Agency (ESA). Testing on the hermetic design of the packages revealed that they exceed current military and aerospace standards.
The primary challenge associated with orbital missions usually centers on fabricating hardware that can protect sensitive electronics while enduring rapid temperature and pressure changes, as well as the vacuum of space. Glass offers a fully hermetic seal for all components and an extremely small heat-affected zone during the welding process. Primoceler’s solution includes a finished seam that requires no adhesives, thus enhancing durability. It exceeds the MIL-STD-750E Test Method 1071.9 "Hermetic Seal" standard 6.0x10-12 atm cc/s Krypton-85 leakage rate.
Previously, Primoceler and ON Semiconductor teamed up to develop an optical sensor package. The new hermetic package design for a HAS3 CMOS sensor will be used for a variety of ESA missions. The partnership with ON Semicondcutor intends to explore other global industries, including healthcare, military, and consumer electronics.