Designed to meet the requirements of the fast changing digital environment -- i.e., two-fold density growth every 12 months -- the company's next-generation memory technologies is being used to produce what is claimed to be the industry's first 70-nm, 4-Gb NAND flash memory and an 80 nm DRAM device. Also debuting is a memory device called fusion memory that combines memory and logic in a single chip. The 4-Gb NAND flash memory integrates a 300-angstrom tungsten gate to reduce inter-cell resistance and noise levels. The 80-nm, 512-Mb monolithic DRAM employs recess channel array transistor (RCAT) technology to enhance data refresh features and minimize cell size by building a three-dimensional transistor to pair each capacitor in the DRAM circuitry. To improve performance, it employs low resistance tungsten gates and a high-k oxide process for low voltage requirements. The first fusion memory combines 512 Mb of NAND flash memory, a logic interface, and software in a single chip. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD., San Jose, CA. (408) 544-4000.
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