Ultra-Low Power SRAMs Target Networking Applications
Datacomm and telecomm, as well as digital signal processing systems, represent the key application areas for the 9-Mbit MC803256K36 and 8-Mbit MC803256K32 pipelined burst SRAMs and the 9-Mbit MC804256K36 and 8-Mbit MC804256K32 flow-through SRAMs. The 9-Mbit SRAMs come in a 256k x 36 configuration and the 8-Mbit devices in a 256k x 32 configuration. The ultra-low power SRAMs utilize a 3.3V supply for memory core power, with 3.3V and 2.5V supplies supported for I/O power.The MC803256K36/32 devices operate at up to 166 MHz, with a 4-ns clock-to-data access time. The MC804256K36/32 flow-through devices operate at up to 100 MHz, with 8.5-ns clock-to-data access time. The 9-bit SRAMs also feature 60-mA active current consumption.
Company: MOSYS INC.
Product URL: Click here for more information