Broadening its flash 80C51-based 8-bit microcontroller offering, the P89C51Rx2 µCs feature 2X-speed where the clock is divided by six instead of the standard 12, thus minimizing EMI and reducing power consumption. In addition to in-system programming (ISP), the devices also enable in-application programming (IAP) that lets designers change the code within the applications while it is running. The P89C51Rx2 µCs offer memory densities from 16 to 64 kbytes, parallel programming and on-chip 5V ISP and IAP. ISP lets the program code be changed without removing the µC from the application, and IAP lets the program memory be altered while the µC is running in the application. The ISP and IAP communicate through the UART, letting applications be upgraded transparently and remotely over a serial link. At 20 MHz, the P89C51Rx2 devices provide a throughput identical to a conventional 80C51 running at 40 MHz, minimizing EMI and lowering power consumption.
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