Organized as 16,384 words of eight-bits each, the CAT24AC128 128-Kb, I2C serial EEPROM provides three chip address lines and up to eight devices can share a common two-wire I2C bus. The device can be used in systems and applications that require a 1-Mb address space. With multiple write and read operating modes, using the page write mode allows up to 64 bytes of data to be written with a single write cycle. The entire memory array can be hardware write protected with the WP pin. Three different read operations are possible that include immediate/current address read, selective/random read, and sequential read. Other features include Schmitt trigger filtered inputs, full array write protection, a 64-byte page write buffer, and use of low-power CMOS technology to fabricate the devices. Operating speeds are 1 MHz with a 5V power supply, 400 kHz at 2.5V, and 100 kHz with a 1.8V supply. Offered in eight-lead DIP and SOIC packages and in a 14-lead TSSOP, commercial, industrial and extended automotive temperature ranges are available. Prices start at $1.10 each/10K. For additional information, contact CATALYST SEMICONDUCTOR INC., Sunnyvale, CA. (408) 542-1080.
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