Introduced as the industry's fastest and first 9-Mbit, monolithic synchronous dual-port devices, the company's family of memory devices operate at speeds up to 200 MHz. They employ a single-die design as opposed to devices with 9 Mb of true dual-port storage that rely on multiple die within the package, said to place a restriction on performance and incur a loss of the address counter functions. The devices are also touted as the first dual-port products to include collision detection and sleep mode features. Collision detection allows the device to conduct an address comparison and report a collision between both ports, eliminating the need for external arbitration circuits. The sleep mode minimizes power consumption, even when the port is at TTL level inputs, by limiting port power to standby levels. Other features include synchronous interrupts that provide a software tool for inter-port communication. Additionally, the chips are pin-compatible with the company's current x36 and x18 synchronous dual-port devices. Available in PQFP and BGA packages, pricing for a 133 MHz, 9 Mb device is $79.95 each/10,000. INTEGRATED DEVICE TECHNOLOGY, INC., Santa Clara, CA. (408) 654-6420.
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