The AS1910-15 family of dual-voltage microprocessor supervisory circuits offers designers both manual reset and watchdog functions in compact SOT23-6 packages. Reset output options include active-low push-pull (AS1910/AS1913), active-high push-pull (AS1911/AS1914), and active-low open-drain (AS1912/AS1915). An additional feature for certain users, the AS1910-12 and AS1913-15 are pin compatible with Maxim's MAX6826-28 and MAX6829-31, respectively. With a typical power consumption of 5.8 µA and an operating temperature range from -40°C to 125°C, the AS1910-15 devices are viable contenders for numerous battery-powered and industrial applications. The AS1913, AS1914, and AS1915 feature factory-trimmed thresholds to monitor primary voltages between 1.8V and 3.6V and secondary voltages between 0.9V and 2.5V. For the AS1910, AS1911, and AS1912, secondary voltage is user adjustable down to 0.6V via an external resistor divider. AUSTRIAMICROSYSTEMS USA INC., Raleigh, NC. (919) 676-5292.
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