IC Puts DSP-Based Voice Processing On The Road
A comprehensive array of DSP-based voice processing capabilities are brought to automotive systems and household appliances by the Euterpe digital voice-processing IC. The device includes an embedded DSP core that’s optimized for audio processing, A/D and D/A converters, code and data memory, an external memory manager and an I2C interface for host communication. To perform speech recognition, text-to-speech, speaker verification, noise cancellation and echo cancellation functions, the chip’s 24-bit, 50-MIPS fixed-point DSP core and support circuitry will implement audio-processing algorithms from leading vendors in the field.Various flavors of the Euterpe processor will be offered. Initially, a development version uses RAM for program code Volume production versions with program code in ROM will each implement one of the main voice-processing functions. Scheduled to ship in September 1999 are the TDA7550 for speech recognition, TDA7551 for speaker verification, TDA7552 for text-to-speech and TDA7553 for noise and echo cancellation. Future versions will contain more program memory for multiple functions.
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