The LPC3000 microcontroller (MCU) family from Philips Semiconductor is based on a 200-MHz ARM926EJ-S core with DSP and Java/Jazelle support. The chip has 64 kbytes of RAM but no flash. A boot ROM can load executable images from a variety of sources, including NAND flash. The MCU provides access to off-chip mobile SRAM and MMC/SD cards. The chip supports 3.3-V I/O, and it has an ultra-low-power 0.9-V operation mode. The standard E-ICE JTAG interface provides access to a 6-kbyte emulation trace buffer (ETB) that stores compressed trace data. The architecture doesn't employ the AMBA hardware bus (AHB), though. Instead, it has a switch matrix that gives the DMA and processor simultaneous access to peripherals and memory, assuming they aren't accessing the same device. Peripherals include dual serial port, dual I2C, ADC, USB On-the-Go, SPI, PWMs, and GPIO. Production quantities of the 256-pin BGA part are expected in the third quarter for less than $10.