Low-Power Platforms Penetrate Multimedia Markets

April 10, 2008
Poised for wireless multimedia applications, Ceva next generation silicon platforms come in two versions: the XS-1100A for wireless handheld applications and the XS-1200A for multimedia and other applications requiring higher-performance signal processing

Embedded Systems Conference, San Jose, CA. – Poised for wireless multimedia applications, Ceva next generation silicon platforms come in two versions: the XS-1100A for wireless handheld applications and the XS-1200A for multimedia and other applications requiring higher-performance signal processing. The complete, verified hardware platforms promise to reduce development efforts, silicon re-spins, and to accelerate time to market. They employ industry-standard system buses and feature architecture enhancements that may significantly lower die size and power consumption without compromising performance. Power-saving techniques include keeping system modules active only when necessary, a level-two memory architecture and caching, adjustable DSP speed, decentralized interconnect topology, and selective hardware/software wake-up events. CEVA INC., San Jose, CA. (408) 514-2900.


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