In its second generation, the Sound Advanced Subsystem combines a library of audio codecs with the company's 128-bit single-instruction multiple-data, accelerator, dual-channel direct memory access (DMA) engine, and a configurable ARC 700 core. In light of comparable products, the subsystem consumes up to 80% less power by operating at a lower frequency and with a smaller size. It can also eliminate additional devices, such as dedicated DSPs, depending on system-on-chip (SoC) implementation. Paired with a SoC in a high-definition camcorder, the subsystem can create six 5.1-channels of Dolby Digital audio and, in an automobile’s audio system, the subsystem can rip music to MP3 or AAC at 12x normal speed while decoding three other streams in parallel. In terms of real-time operating-system support, the audio subsystem accommodates the likes of Linux, MQX, and ThreadX with others on the way in the not-too-distant future. For further information, pricing, and current availability, contact ARC INTERNATIONAL, San Jose, CA. (408) 437-3400.
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