Featuring on-chip capacitors, the ISO721 and ISO721M digital isolators are said to enable faster data transmission with higher signal integrity. Reportedly, the isolators also provide six orders of magnitude higher magnetic immunity than existing inductive devices and use 60% less power than high-performance optocouplers. Both devices provide data transmission and circuit protection with isolation up to 560V of operating voltage or 4 kV peak over-voltage transient. The ISO721M suits applications requiring a low incidence of system noise, while the ISO721 handles data transmissions in noisy environments. Specifying a minimum protection level of 25 kV/µs, each device’s life expectancy exceeds 25 years. The ISO721 features include TTL inputs up to 100 Mb/s with a noise filter, propagation delay of 17 ns, jitter of 2 ns, and 3V or 5V operation. The ISO721M features include CMOS inputs up to 150 Mbps without a noise filter, propagation delay of 10 ns, a jitter figure of 1 ns, and 3V or 5V operation. Available in 8-pin SOIC packages, price for either device is $1.65 each/1,000. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC., Dallas, TX. (800) 477-8924.
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