Chip Packs Circuitry For Dual-Drive Recorders
By melding on a single chip the circuitry for a hard disk drive and DVD recorder, the DiMeNsion8650 (DMN-8650) is expected to help rev up U.S. demand for dual-drive digital recorders that enable concurrent recording and playback on both a HDD and DVD. The HDD and DVD recorder processor IC is designed to support the time-shift of live TV, enhanced archiving to DVD disks, and full support for DV camcorders. The device is also said to deliver excellent video quality and to significantly lower system-level cost and design complexity. Based on a dual 150-MIPS RISC architecture, the DMN-8650 processor integrates on-chip MPEG-2 and DV codecs, an audio DSP, storage and Fire Wire (IEEE1394) interfaces, and a 2D graphics engine with DVD sub-picture decode and 32-bit RGBA. The chip is also software-compatible with an existing DVD recorder system processor made by the company. Samples of the DMN-8650 are currently available to qualified customers, with production scheduled to begin in Q2. Pricing is pegged at $29 each in volume quantities. LSI LOGIC CORP., Milpitas, CA. (866) 574-5741.
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