Trek-ICE Universal Ethernet Emulator provides network-hosted emulation for the SHARC DSP processor family from Analog Devices. Trek-ICE connects via a 10/100Base-T connection to an Ethernet-based local area network to allow remote debugging between the PC or Sun workstation debug hosts and the target DSP system. The Trek-ICE uses TCP/IP networking protocol to provide seamless emulation of ADI DSPs from either Windows 95/98/NT on PCs or Solaris 2.x on Sun workstations. The Trek-ICE consists of a network hosted mini-tower emulator with 10/100Base-T Ethernet connection, rugged high-speed 3V/5V scan-based flexible emulator cable and pod, support for ADI's ADSP-2106x, ADSP-2106x and any future ADI JTAG DSPs, and a Trek-ICE installation guide.