Texas Instruments has added a trio of low-cost, 300-MHz, floating-point DSPs to its portfolio. The dual-core OMAP-L137 combines an ARM9 with a C674x floatingpoint DSP core. The single-core $10.41 C6745 incorporates an 8/16-bit NAND/ SDRAM interface with a 10/100 Ethernet MAC, while its $11.72 C6747 sibling has a 16/32-bit NAND/SDRAM interface and adds a USB 1.1 host interface, 128 kbytes of SRAM, and an LCD controller. The OMAPL137 has the same peripheral set as the C6747. They both come in a pin-compatible 17- by 17-mm BGA package. Each chip has a common peripheral complement that includes a USB 2.0 device interface, an MMC/SD interface, two I2C, two SPI, three UART, and two or three McASP (multichannel audio serial ports) interfaces. The OMAPL137 development kit, including Linux and DSP/BIOS, costs $395. The single-core processors consume only 62 mW in standby mode and 470 mW when active. The dual core bumps active power to only 490 mW. Extended-temperature versions available.