A number of additions have joined the ranks of microprocessors and DSPs already supported by the TLA700 logic analyzers. The analyzers now offer support for Motorola's MPC8260 PowerQUICC II as well as the PowerPC 740, 750, 850, 823 and 801 processors. Support for Texas Instruments and Hitachi devices has also grown with the addition of TI's TMS320C6201 high-end DSP and the Hitachi SH-3 series of RISC devices.The analyzers are bolstered by the company's MagnaVu acquisition technology, a super-fast digital sampler that enables 500-ps timing resolution and 200-MHz state analysis on all channels and at all times through a single probe. Additionally, a software upgrade now available implements high-level-language source code support. The line includes color portable and benchtop mainframes, logic analyzer modules, and scope modules.