Integrated Development Environment Has Multiprocessor Compiler

July 1, 1999
A multiprocessor compiler that automatically partitions C and C++ programs for optimal execution on the SC140 DSP core is at the heart of an integrated software development environment (IDE) for the new Star*Core SC100 DSP architecture. The IDE

A multiprocessor compiler that automatically partitions C and C++ programs for optimal execution on the SC140 DSP core is at the heart of an integrated software development environment (IDE) for the new Star*Core SC100 DSP architecture. The IDE provides a DSP-optimized superset of the powerful editing, debugging, profiling, and project management capabilities already available in the firm’s MULTI development environment.The IDE features a multiprocessor compiler, hooks to popular signal processing analysis tools, and data visualization tools that enable programmers to view signal processing data using intuitive graphs rather than cryptic address tables. Also included is a cycle-accurate simulator that is said to enable users to develop Star*Core SC140 code before the chip is available. The Star*Core SC100 is a scalable 16-bit data/32-bit address architecture that can be configured with a variable number of MACs and ALUs.


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