IC Combines Embedded Modem With TCP/IP Stack
Said to be the industry's first IC to combine an embedded modem with a TCP/IP protocol stack, this new single-chip modem is designed to deliver complete Internet connectivity to devices. The chip features the company's low-power, Flash-upgradeable modem based on an ADSST-218X series DSP and eDevice's SmartStack Internet-enabling software containing the TCP/IP stack. It is available with modem data rates of V.32bis (14 kbps) up to V.90 (56 kbps).
The single-chip modem is used to empower low-cost and portable devices, as well as vending machines, kiosks and pickup/drop boxes, with the ability to connect to the Internet over any network that uses the TCP/IP protocol, without requiring a separate processor that contains the protocol stack. Prices for the single-chip modem with the SmartStack TCP/IP stack begin at $18.50 each/10,000.
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