Introduced as the market’s first motion chipset with multiple breakpoints, the MC2300 series of motion processors provide one, two, and four axes of control for brushless motors. The two chipsets in the series provide breakpoint programming that lets users create complex profiles by having an internal or external signal trigger a profile change. Typical functions for this feature include instantaneous changes due to an external condition and cut-on-the-fly. Breakpoints can be programmed based on a variety of conditions including external positions, external trigger signals, velocity, time, and other factors. Programming is via a language that employs a command word followed by one or more data words. For high-level programming and exercising the chipset, Windows-based Pro-Motion software is available. Pricing starts at $60 each in OEM quantities. For further information, call Alana Dunn Clarke at PERFORMANCE MOTION DEVICES INC., Lincoln, MA. (781) 674-9860.
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