Flash µCs Support In-Socket Programming Via CAN Network

Sept. 1, 2001
By means of their CAN 2.0B active interface, the PIC18FXX8 family of flash microcontrollers can be self-programmed in-socket via the Controller Area Network (CAN) by executing its own internal instructions. This allows remote nodes to be updated

By means of their CAN 2.0B active interface, the PIC18FXX8 family of flash microcontrollers can be self-programmed in-socket via the Controller Area Network (CAN) by executing its own internal instructions. This allows remote nodes to be updated without having to physically touch the devices. Other features of the 10-MIPS, 10-MHz devices include: up to 32 KB of self-programmable flash, 1.5 KB of user SRAM and 256 bytes of data EEPROM; self-programmability over the controllersÕs 2.0V to 5.5V operating range; and a rich peripheral set of digital and analog modules and selectable oscillator options. The self-programmable flash µCs come in 28- and 40-lead packages, with the latter capable of outputting four 10-bit PWM signals with an auto-shutdown feature. Prices range from $4.74 to $5.46 each/10,000. A development tool is available for $159. MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC., Chandler, AZ. (408) 792-7668.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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