Atmel MCUs Integrate LCD Controllers And Power-Saving Technology
Adding to the AVR family of microcontrollers are four devices with integrated LCD controllers and the company's picoPower power-saving technology. The 64-pin ATmega329P and 100-pin ATmega3290P devices integrate a LCD controller that features a dedicated LCD waveform, contrast control, selectable drive time and frame frequency, power supply for the LCD, and the ability to operate in power-save mode. Foregoing the on-chip LCD controller, the ATmega325P and ATmega3250P devices are pin-and-feature compatible with the ATmega329P and ATmega3290P. All four MCUs include 32 KB of self-programmable flash memory, 2 KB of SRAM, 1 KB of EEPROM, 10-bit a/d converter, three timer/counters, one USART and SPI, and an I2C interface. Each operates from a 1.8V to 5.5V supply and delivers up to 16 MIPS of throughput. The ATmega329P and ATmega325P in 64-pin TQFP or QFN packages are available now. Samples for the ATmega3290P and ATmega3250P in 100-pin TQFP packages will be available in January 2007. Prices range from $3.20 to $3.90 each/10,000. ATMEL CORP., San Jose, CA. (408) 441-0311.
Company: ATMEL CORP.
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