MCU Support ICs Gain Larger Memory Complement

Dec. 1, 1999
High densities of program and data storage for 8-bit CISC MCU-based systems, such as Intel’s 8051, Motorola’s 68HCxx, and others can be implemented with three new EasyFLASH devices. The PSD834F3 offers 256 kbytes of flash, while the

High densities of program and data storage for 8-bit CISC MCU-based systems, such as Intel’s 8051, Motorola’s 68HCxx, and others can be implemented with three new EasyFLASH devices. The PSD834F3 offers 256 kbytes of flash, while the PSD833F2 and PSD834F3 offer 128 kbytes and 256 kbytes of flash, respectively, as well as a second flash array of 32 kbytes.All three ICs provide 8 kbytes of SRAM, a 3000-gate CPLD, extra I/O, a JTAG interface for first-time and subsequent serial in-system programming (ISP), a special ISP decoding PLD that enables 8-bit MCU-controlled ISP in 8-bit CISC systems, and a programmable interface to most 8-bit CISC MCUs. The second flash array on the 833F2 and 834F3 enables concurrent, MCU-controlled ISP. The MCU needs one memory array from which to execute the programming algorithms it uses to program the other array.


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