Mini LCDs Display Text And Graphics Over Wide Temperature Range
Based on chip-on-glass (COG) monochrome STN transmissive technology, the F-51553 series LCD modules have a 2.8" diagonal area for viewing text and graphics. The 128 x 64-dot LCDs support both serial and parallel interfaces and can operate over a -20°C to +70°C temperature range without the need for voltage adjustment. Two versions are available. The Blue Mode version displays white characters or graphics on a blue background, features an efficient, 3-chip white LED backlight, offers a contrast ratio of 6:1, and dissipates only 0.385W max. The Yellow Mode version is a black display with a yellow-green background, offers a 4.5:1 contrast ratio, and dissipates 1.35W. Both modules also pack a chip that integrates a controller, row and column drivers, and a booster circuit. Pricing for the Blue Mode LCDs is $16.64 each/1,000 and for Yellow Mode units, $14.79. For more details, contact Holly Konrad at OPTREX AMERICA INC., Plymouth, MI. (734) 416-8500.
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