Combining a fifth-generation PC core with comprehensive support logic and a variety of peripherals and interfaces, the STPC Industrial single-chip PC is suited for cost-sensitive applications such as industrial PCs, gaming consoles, information kiosks, and many others. At the chip's heart is a 64-bit processor block known as the 5ST86. It contains a 64-bit DRAM controller, a 64-bit accelerated graphics and video controller, and a high-speed PCI local-bus controller, as well as a 32-bit x86 processor that's fully PC compatible.The processor core is a fully static design that includes a five-stage pipeline, a parallel processing integral floating-point unit, an 8-kbyte unified instruction and L1 data cache, and core clock speeds up to 133 MHz. The chip supports four SIMM sockets for a maximum of 128 Mbytes of system RAM. A key benefit of the chip is its built-in controller for active-matrix TFT displays. That controller is programmable for screen resolutions up to 1024 x 1024 pixels in 18-bit color mode.