Schematic Capture Package Adds Features

Jan. 7, 2008
In Version 5 of the DesignWorks Professional schematic capture package for Windows-based computers, users will find new schematic-drawing features like graphic drawing tools and direct PDF export.

In Version 5 of the DesignWorks Professional schematic capture package for Windows-based computers, users will find new schematic-drawing features like graphic drawing tools and direct PDF export. Further, a powerful scripting capability has been added for advanced users and OEMs that wish to customize the package for a variety of diagramming applications.

Version 5 introduces a number of powerful new professional design features. Graphic drawing tools provide the ability to use graphical elements like lines, circles, and polygons to enhance diagrams with title blocks, mechanical drawings, annotations, etc.

Scripting using JavaScript gives access to essentially all design data and program functions. This means that users can add their own commands, automate repetitive tasks, prompt for application-specific data, even add major new report formats, analyses, or simulations.

Display panels using HTML, in concert with the new JavaScripting features, let users add their own windows, prompt dialogs, and display panels using all the power of HTML. These can even display arbitrary graphics and controls and link to Web-based resources, while giving full access to design data and DesignWorks functions.

Improved symbol library handling includes the Auto-Open Libs command, an Auto-Open option on Open Lib box, and the new ability to place circuit “scraps” in a library. Such “scraps” might include any collection of schematic elements, such as commonly used groups of symbols, title blocks, mechanical drawings, etc.

An integrated PDF export feature lets users create portable documentation from designs without access to any outside software.

The new version is available immediately. Free upgrades are available for recent purchasers of version 4. Contact Capilano Computing directly for pricing information.

Capilano Computing

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