Dec. 1, 1998
OPTOELECTRONIC COMPONENTS- A 44-page product selection guide for component-level opto-components is intended to aid designers of emitter-sensor systems in remote control, motion detection, medical diagnostics, gas and fluid analysis, and office

OPTOELECTRONIC COMPONENTS- A 44-page product selection guide for component-level opto-components is intended to aid designers of emitter-sensor systems in remote control, motion detection, medical diagnostics, gas and fluid analysis, and office automation systems. The catalog feature more than 200 different products, including IR-emitting LEDs, photodiodes, phototransistors, PIN photodiodes, photointerrupts, photoreflectors, and photo-resistive cells. Featured for the first time are surface-mount versions of virtually every product. The guide also includes, for the first time, miniature integrated opto receiver modules and side-firing position sensors. Each product description includes a detailed optoelectronic as well as mechanical specs. Also included is detailed application matrix that provides a comprehensive cross-reference between 38 specific applications and nine families of optoelectronic components.

Company: LUMEX INC. - Sales Department

Product URL: Click here for more information

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