Fibre Channel Protocol Analyzer Handles 1- & 2-Gbit/s Data Rates
Supporting both 1.062- and 2.125-Gbit/s data speeds and attaching to Fibre Channel links with the firm’s instrument-grade GBIC transceivers capable of 2.5-Gbit/s rates, the GTX Extended Gigabit Traffic Protocol Analyzer (GTX-A) captures link data and displays it in both Fibre Channel and embedded protocol formats. It also displays link performance metrics and error conditions in real-time. Available in single- or dual-analyzer configurations, the analyzer captures data into 1 Gbyte of trace memory (512 Mbytes/port), representing >2 seconds of data on a fully loaded, 400-Mbyte/s network. Valid link traffic is stored as decoded 8-bit characters and errors are stored as received on the link as 10-bit words. The analyzer uses the firm’s GTX-TraceView to provide a fully configurable, spreadsheet-oriented presentation. TraceView software will run on any NT-based computer, independent of the GTX-A hardware. And GTX Protocol Analysis Systems are configurable on industrial portable host computers packing a 600-MHz Pentium III processor, 512 Mbytes of memory, and a 13-GB hard disk.
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