In addition to detailed bit-error rate (BER) tests and measurements, the BA1500 BitAlyzer shows where and when the errors occur. Error location analysis includes bit-errors, block errors, and error-free interval statistics for differential and single-ended inputs at data rates up to 1.5 Gb/s. The tester finds correlations between bit-errors and block sizes, such as correlation with data-bus width or packet size. Standard error correlation and pattern-sensitivity tools display histograms of error-rate versus bit-position within the test patterns. An integrated pattern generator delivers any one of five pseudo-random data streams or a user-defined sequence up to 8 Mb long. The generator supports synchronization by learning the repeat pattern for speed as well as synchronization to preloaded patterns. Optional features include physical layer test software that provides eye diagrams, eye-mask testing, jitter measurements, and Q-factor displays. Another option allows forward error correction (FEC) to be emulated on live or captured data, allowing users to compare FEC algorithms to data. Pricing for the BA1500 depends on the options required. NOISE COM, Parsippany, NJ. (201) 261-8797.
Company: NOISE COM
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