Three new models of video test generators are designed for testing monitors and projectors. The battery-operated 600 Series generators are said to be easier to move around than the standard AC-operated video test generators. Model 608, for example, tests computer as well as broadcast monitors, with outputs for NTSC, PAL and HDTV. The 600 Series generators have 75 built-in computer formats, including all VESA standards, as well as worldwide broadcast standards. Each model also features the 16 most common service center test patterns, as well as built-in test sequences for burn in. And with its ability to learn and output the digital data (EDID) stored in monitors, the generators permit users to easily test a display to the manufacturer's pecs without guessing which formats are correct. Model 608 costs $1,495 and is meant for use by production plants, engineering design sites and service centers. Model 607 costs $1,195 with no HDTV included. Model 606 costs $995 and has VESA and computer formats only.
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