Depending on the sensor used, the 4530 Series of RF power meters makes high-speed peak and CW power measurements from 10 kHz to 40 GHz across a 20-MHz video bandwidth. With their ability to use two independent channels, the meters can make a variety of measurements, including max., min., peak, average and CW power, peak-to-average power ratio, dynamic range, and RF voltage. In addition, they provide channel math functions that allow sum ratios, as well as the difference between channels or between a channel and a reference measurement to be displayed.The power meter has an effective sampling rate of up to 50 Msamples/s for repetitive signals and a single-shot rate of 1.25 Msamples/s. And it is equipped with GP-IB and RS-232C ports and can be used with a wide range of probes- a sensor adapter allows the meter to automatically read the type of sensor connected and to switch to the appropriate operating mode.