The latest generation of the Raptor family of digital camera processors, Raptor III, boasts of a performance increase up to four times greater than its predecessors and adds features such as MPEG4 video and CD quality audio. The devices employ a 10-element, single-instruction, multiple-data signal and image processor combined with a 32-bit RISC processor. An integrated programmable timing generator increases the speed of auto-focus and auto-exposure functions and performs frame capture processing functions to reduce click-to-acquisition times (shutter lag). The processors interface to all camera components, such as SDRAM, removable media, color LCDs, micro displays, NTSC/PAL interfaces, lens motor controls, and wireless interfaces. Samples are available now with production scheduled for the third quarter. Packaged in a 256-pin BGA, price is $14 each in OEM quantities. PICTOS TECHNOLOGIES INC., Newport Beach, CA. (949) 417-5432.
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