AMD launched its latest graphics processors in the ATI Radeon HD 3000 series — the 3400 and 3600 — at an event in Beijing, China today. The chips were built using 55nm process technology and deliver display connectivity through DisplayPort. Both integrate AMD's proprietary unified video decoder (UVD) technology, enabling Blu-ray or HD DVD playback. The 3400 and the 3600 series have built-in support for six-channel (5.1) Dolby Digital surround audio transmission through HDMI, enabling home theater environments. For gamers, both series feature ATI CrossFireX, which offers the option of multi-GPU upgradeability. The chips also support Microsoft DirectX 10.1 and PCI Express 2.0. As part of the upcoming AMD mainstream high-definition "Cartwheel" desktop platform, the 3400 can be combined with a compatible AMD 7-Series chipset for enhanced 3D performance. According to an AMD release, both series have already been designed into a number of major OEM mainstream and entry-level PCs scheduled to be shipped in 2008. The 3400 series is priced between $49 and $65, and the 3600 series costs between $79 and $99.