Schroff had its latest backplanes and subsystems on display at the Bus and Board show. My discussions with Schroff/Pentair concentrated on RoHS and fabric-based solutions such as the AdvancedTCA backplanes offered by Schroff/Pentair.
You can check out Schroff’s RoHS offerings by visiting You can enter an existing part number and find the matching version that is RoHS complaint.
Earlier, Schroff had announced expansion of their line of enclosure products with the introduction of Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC) hardware kits. The kits are fully compliant with PICMG specification AMC.0.R1.0. They include all of the necessary components and hardware in one package. These include struts, face plates, covers, guide rails, and hot swap carrier handles. Just the thing to handle the wide range of AMC modules now becoming available.
Schroff supports a wide range of form factors including CompactPCI, AdvancedTCA, AdvancedMC, MicroTCA VME, and VME64x.
Read more: PLX Pushes PCI Express