LG's second-generation combination Blu Ray and HD DVD player uses a Marvell digital video format converter for video processing. Marvell's Qdeo video processing delivers pristine video content at full-HD 1080p resolution to LG's BH200 Super Blu player. At the core of the Marvell 88DE2710, Qdeo delivers high-definition video quality through QuietVideo technologies. Per-pixel motion-adaptive 3D de-interlacing removes jaggies and eliminates feathering, while compression artifact reduction removes noise inherent in digital video. LG's player plays back both Blu-ray disc and HD-DVD with advanced BD-Java and HDi interactivity. It also features a "Qdeo" setting in the on-screen display that allows users to set optimal viewing experiences. "Marvell's superb video processing technology meets the high standard of innovation and quality that consumers expect from our flagship home video product," Kim WaeYeul, chief research engineer and HAV group leader, LG Digital Media Research Lab, said in a statement. "By utilizing Qdeo, our second-generation, dual-format Super Blu player is able to deliver the highest quality full-HD video to the home theater."