For validating and analyzing real-time wafer contamination, the WaferSense airborne particle sensor moves through semiconductor process equipment and automation material handing systems to monitor airborne particles, reporting information in real-time. With a wafer-like shape compatible with existing automation and wireless communication, it can also establish a baseline and ensure operations continue on this baseline as part of a preventive maintenance scheme. The sensor uses a fan to pull non-corrosive gas or air through a channel as a laser illuminates the air/gas stream while particles scatter light onto the sensors photodiode. It has the ability to detect particles as small as 0.1 mm. Via companion software, ParticleView and ParticleReview, users can collect and display particle data wirelessly to see the effect of adjustments in real time. The Airborne Particle Sensor is available in 200-, 300-, and 450-mm (special order) wafer-like form factors. CyberOptics Semiconductor Inc., Wilsonville, OR. (800) 366-9131.