
Santa Clara, CA 95054


About Achronix


2903 Bunker Hill Lane
Suite 200
Santa Clara, CA 95054

More Info on Achronix

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Achronix Semiconductor Corporation is a fabless semiconductor corporation based in Santa Clara, California, offering high-performance FPGA solutions. Achronix is the only supplier to have both high-performance and high-density standalone FPGAs and embedded FPGA (eFPGA) solutions in high-volume production. Achronix's FPGA and eFPGA IP offerings are further enhanced by ready-to-use PCIe accelerator cards targeting AI, ML, networking and data center applications. All of Achronix's products are supported by best-in-class EDA software tools.

Articles & News

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Redefining SmartNICs: The Composable Advantage

April 26, 2024
Explore the future of high-speed networking, uncovering how SmartNICs and FPGA technology transform packet processing and reshape 400 GbE.
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SmartNIC Architectures: Landscape Update

June 3, 2021
In July 2020, we published a survey of the SmartNIC/DPU market. Now, about 6 months later, we’re going to revisit that market and share some updates on each of the key players...

FPGA Boards Stoke Storage, AI Speeds

Nov. 20, 2019
FPGA boards are being used to implement everything from computational storage to compression and machine learning.

FPGA Highways Speed Machine Learning and Communication

May 31, 2019
Achronix’s Speedster7t FPGAs utilize high-speed networks to provide faster communication between machine-learning blocks, storage, peripherals, and FPGA fabric.
Embedded FPGA Optimized for Machine Learning and Communication

Embedded FPGA Optimized for Machine Learning and Communication

Dec. 5, 2018
Achronix’s Speedcore Gen 4 can be tailored for machine-learning applications as well as to deliver high-performance FPGA connectivity for embedded FPGAs.
Custom Blocks—The Key Ingredients for Embedded FPGA Success

Custom Blocks—The Key Ingredients for Embedded FPGA Success

Oct. 27, 2017
Achronix’s Speedcore embedded FPGAs utilize custom blocks to deliver high-performance ASICs.

Videos & Resources

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FPGAs "Accel" at Automatic Speech Recognition

Sept. 7, 2023
Discover how FPGA-accelerated automatic speech recognition (ASR) models are reshaping the landscape of speech-to-text applications by enabling faster inference, significantly ...

What are the Challenges Facing SmartNIC Designers?

Sept. 22, 2022
Achronix's Scott Schweitzer addresses design issues for SmartNICs ranging from BMC complexes to the need for programmable logic.
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White Paper

Achronix Speedcore eFPGA IP Product Brief

Aug. 28, 2020
Seamlessly integrate powerful eFPGA technology into your ASIC. Reduce costs by up to 90% and power by up to 75% compared to standalone FPGA solutions. Learn about the only eFPGA...
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White Paper

Achronix VectorPath PCIe Accelerator Card Datasheet

March 26, 2020
Learn how you can accelerate compute, networking, storage and sensor processing applications using the VectorPath PCIe Accelerator card featuring the Speedster7t FPGA from Achronix...
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White Paper

8 Benefits of Using an FPGA with On-Chip High-Speed Network

March 26, 2020
Power next-generation AI, HPC and compute applications using an FPGA with embedded high speed network. See the 8 benefits of using an Achronix Speedster7t FPGA with a unique high...
I Stock 985895696 (1)
White Paper

Software Defined Hardware Provides the Key to High Performance Data Acceleration

March 26, 2020
Why are FPGAs the preferred accelerator technology for Microsoft, Amazon and Baidu? Learn how Achronix FPGAs provide software defined hardware accelerators for next generation...

All content from Achronix


Achronix's Success Reflects Growth For FPGA Accelerators

June 15, 2017
Achronix revealed that its revenue had grown sevenfold over the last year and will surpass $100 million this year. And there are lessons in those figures.