Webinars Automotive Promo 1190108791 5e7a611fcdca6

Learning About Automotive Technology

March 24, 2020
Designing and testing automotive applications may well be the hottest field in the industry right now. To help you keep pace with the latest technologies, we've put together a collection of click-and-view webinars.

>> Electronic Design Resources
.. >> Series: Learning About Technology

Automotive technology covers a lot of ground, especially as vehicles become smarter and employ different power sources, e.g., hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs). These archived webinars address many aspects of transportation electronics, from advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) to V2X for smart vehicles to smart cities.

Sensors, ADAS, etc.

Automotive Communication and V2X

Automotive Test

Hybrid/Electric Vehicles

Automotive Lighting

Related Technologies

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