Analog Devices demonstrated a secure industrial network connectivity solution with multiple devices connected using single-pair Ethernet (SPE). Based on MQTT and TLS, all of the software in the demo is compatible with the Zephyr ecosystem. This proof-of-concept shows how you could daisy-chain multiple devices together in a building- or industrial-automation environment with just a single pair of wires in a secure manner.
A Linux Foundation-hosted Collaboration Project, the Zephyr Project brings silicon vendors, OEMs, ODMs, ISVs, and OSVs together to contribute technology, reducing costs and accelerating time-to-market. The modular software drives simple connected sensors, LED wearables, modems, and small wireless gateways, while supporting multiple architectures.
As an open-source project, it evolves to support new hardware, developer tools, sensors, and device drivers, incorporating the latest enhancements in security, device-management capabilities, connectivity stacks, and file systems.