Neubiberg, Germany, and Shenzhen, China: At the China Power Show in Shenzhen, Infineon Technologies announced production availability of its OptiMOS 3 75V power MOSFET family. The company claims that the new devices feature good on-state resistance and figure-of-merit (FOM) characteristics. These ultimately enable reduced power losses and improved overall efficiency under all load conditions for switchedmode power supplies (SMPS), as well as power applications like motor control and fast switching Class D amplifiers.
The OptiMOS 3 75V power MOSFET family suits synchronous rectification in ac-dc SMPS. New energy efficiency targets, such as the 80PLUS Gold requirement promoted by the Climate Savers Computing Initiative, call for approximately a 10% improvement in the energy efficiency of computers compared to the current requirements of the U.S. Energy Star program.
With OptiMOS 3 75V, Infineon believes it’s helping to meet these specifications. The OptiMOS 3 75V device, housed in a SuperSO8 package, features 40% lower on-state resistance, according to the company.