New XLamp XB-D color LEDs and XLamp XM-L multi-color LEDs are said to extend the double lumens-per-dollar performance of the XB package to color LEDs, delivering up to 40% higher maximum light output than XP-E color LEDs.
Developer Cree Inc. says the small size of XB-D color LEDs and their higher efficiency promote better color mixing and lower system cost because they let developers use fewer LEDs.
Cree XLamp XM-L color LEDs are the brightest and smallest multi-colored LED of their power class, delivering red, green, royal blue and white in one LED at twice the lumens-per-dollar of the MC-E color LED. The XM-L color LED is 60% smaller than the MC-E LED, reducing the distance between LED die, to create a small optical source for efficient color mixing and simplified design.
XLamp XB-D color LEDs deliver 92 lumens for blue, 198 lumens for green, 210 lumens for red and 261 lumens for red-orange, all at 1 A in the 2.45x2.4-5mm footprint. XLamp XM-L color LEDs deliver up to 89 lumens for royal blue, 214 lumens for green, 229 lumens for red and 272 lumens for white at 1 A in the 5x5-mm footprint.
Cree Inc.: