The ZXF36L01 analog bandpass filter provides variable Q up to 50. Due to its analog nature, the device can perform filtering in real-time with a typical noise performance level of 20 nV(sqrt(Hz)). The filter's center frequency is tunable via two resistors and two capacitors. Its frequency range is 200 kHz, and the local oscillator for the mixer can be any waveform, allowing for microprocessor control. An on-chip mixer block is included to allow the center frequency to be up to 1 MHz despite the 200-kHz frequency range. Filter Q is controlled by two external resistors. If higher Q values are required, the device is designed to allow multiple devices to be easily cascaded. Power consumption is typically 15 mW for the filter or 25 mW if the on-chip mixer is also employed. To extend battery life, a standby mode draws only 10 µA. Pricing is $4.40 each/5,000 with delivery times of eight to 10 weeks ARO.
Company: ZETEX, INC.
Product URL: Click here for more information